The Heart's Rainbow

 The heart has the colors of the rainbow

The innocence can be felt as the white

The intensity and the depth as the black

The radiance of bonds as the vibrancies of one of the colors.

Violet, the hues of quiet strength,
An embrace of mysteries, softly lent.

Indigo, the dreams that gently flow,
Carrying wisdom, deep and slow.

Blue, the calm of endless skies,
A tender gaze in lovers' eyes.

Green, the growth, the promise of spring,
The heart's own rhythm, a song to sing.

Yellow, the joy that lights the way,
A radiant smile at the break of day.

Orange, the passion, the fiery zest,
Moments alive, the soul’s own quest.

Red, the pulse, the vibrant beat,
The courage to stand, to never retreat.

The heart whispers in shades divine,
Painting the world in its design.

In the dance of light and shadow's might,
The heart finds balance, day and night.

And as the colors blend and play,
The heart becomes a vibrant array.

In every beat, the hues align,
The heart's own rainbow, yours and mine.

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  1. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
  2. Post your story on social media with the hashtag #Heartofcolors and tag me at @My Blogs .
  3. I’ll feature some inspiring stories in a follow-up post or on my social media page.


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