A human being also known as a social animal. Bonds are something that humans nourish. Days are fun filled with humor, compassion for different causes, a shoulder to hold on and guide, a firm hand to encourage in different times, the crazy excitement for sweet nothings and so on we could go. Being a social animal none can deny that having company makes them feel bad. And even if there is unpleasantness it still provides the mental activity of being occupied. 


Strange things happen when strangers get acquainted 

A state of 'I know of you '

There could be a fascination or admiration 

more often a sense of hatred too 

Acquaintances are ought to be  sweet 

with not much expectations 

living just at the present moment

counting on the good it  brings and  conveniences  

A peer or casual friend is 'I like you' in everyday 

striving to build connections 

presenting the best in person, with mere joy of company 

and keeping the  space not to get hurt 

With understanding comes close friend 

A bond of mutual trust and commitment 

lending a ear to daily rants and cheering and celebrating life along 

Exposing the vulnerable person within 

The toughest yet strongest is to have a Best friend 

with a deeper connection and intimacy 

holder of all deepest secrets while 

unprocessed individual stays comfortable . 


Acquaintance is a state of company a person would like to have. it may not be of  significant expectations but the mere joy of sharing the vibes the individuals share.  

Expectation- a strong feeling created in ones mind to hope that the other would comply to could be an outspoken belief or the basic belief that the latter would just do what the former  feels. 

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