What can happiness be?

A sense of contentment.


What can happiness be?

A feeling of being honest with oneself


What can happiness be?

A smile brightening the heart with no great expectations


What can happiness be?

Endurance among all odds


What can happiness be?

Oxytocin drugging the mind 


What can happiness be?

Winning of all hardship without complaining 


What can happiness be?

Forgiving the ones who devised evil and despised me 

What can happiness be?

Reminiscing moments 

What can happiness be?

Making right priorities

What can happiness be?

A complementary deed in secret 

What can happiness be?

Doing an altruistic act 

What can happiness be?

Watching the autumn leaves fall and dance in the wind

What can happiness be?

Get connected to a pet who thinks I’m its life 

What can happiness be?

Watching the humongous mountains canopied with trees

And many more things


What can happiness be?
Is not the question.
How can I be happy is what's important
And all the answers above tell what makes me happy.


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