A burdened heart is in solitude 
When nothing can console 

A wound that was never to happen
A scar that hurts and never will be cured

With a face registered in the mind's core
The reflection of the beloved's face provoking to tears 

Breaking every hope. crushing the heart
Bruising severely, exsanguinating the bosom 

with excruciating pain
Knowing not what created the circumstance 

Cursing the present and blessing the past
Wishing that time froze and never brought the curse 

Being invisible at the moment, was the only desire 
 for the shoulder to lean wasn't  there 
comfort was far beyond 

Was it the will from above 
In an unanswered hour?

Is it a time to combat with the divine?
or oppose within the mind? 

Counter thoughts arise 
Will, what's gone ever be back?

Fighting all odds, expecting a miracle 
building castles in the air 

Defeat is what that overtakes 
diminishing the living soul with the gone 

Hard to believe one's existence 
where do expectations land ?

Perching in the air 
Waiting for the dearest voice 

Anticipating to hear the call 
to run into the cherished arms 
and moan for the harsh reality 

How can a man agree
to see that righteous fade away

Giving no hope for the living 
letting the dark predominate

Isn't our existence at stake? 
Weren't the good books an assistance 

To conquer the hurdles of life 
but then reality doesn't match 

It seems,
life is like a flower 
fading away

It is not to be relied on 
all that's said is a sprawl

Dare not to hope on other 
we know not when is our day . 

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